Journey into the past of Taxenbach

There was a settlement in Taxenbach as early as 1500 BC. However, there is only reliable evidence from the early Bronze Age. There was a settlement of these people on the Schlossberg. Two bronze bracelets were found near the forester's lodge and clay pottery from the Bronze Age was found in Högmoos.  
The Bronze Age people were followed by the Celts or Taurisker (around 400 BC). They mined gold in Gastein and Rauris. The Romans were also interested in our region because of the gold and sent their people here. They left all kinds of traces in Taxenbach. In addition to a gravestone on the Summererbauer's field, a pot with beautiful Roman coins was found on the Edtgut. This is an indication that the Romans took over the old road via Höf and built their settlements along this road.  
After the Bavarians had only penetrated as far as the Saalfelden basin during their first immigration around the year 500, they only entered the Salzach Valley around the year 800. Taxenbach is a church settlement like the ones the Bavarians built here in the early Middle Ages. The houses adjoin the church and form a regular rectangle as a market square. The Bavarians multiplied rapidly and so there was a great need for sources of income. At that time, only land was considered for acquisition. So clearings were made, forest areas burned down and the existing pastures and slag heaps were improved for cultivation. Around the year 1350, this colonization of our region was largely completed and the valleys were settled by Bavarians. The Romans who stayed behind merged with the Bavarians.

Colourful chronicle of Taxenbach

  • In 963 , Taxenbach is mentioned for the first time.
  • The lords of ‘Tassinpach’ appear in1150 . So there must already have been a noble residence, a castle in Taxenbach. Arnold is the name of the first Taxenbacher.
  • In1228 , the entire Pinzgau region passes from the Bavarian dukes to the archbishops.
  • The church in Taxenbach is consecrated in1411. The crypt chapel and the wall section of the tower are still preserved in their original condition from that time.
  • 1525-1526 Peasants' War (against the forest regulations of Archbishop Matthäus Lang), during which the castle goes up in flames
  • 1530 Construction of the vicarage
  • 1558 Taxenbach receives market privileges.
  • 1600 First schooling for Taxenbach children
  • 1622 16 houses and the church are burnt down in a market fire.
  • 1640 Master cathedral builder Santino Solari is commissioned to renovate the church.
  • 1688 During a pilgrimage to St Bartholomew, 67 people drown in Königssee, including eight from Taxenbach.
  • 1710 Construction of the Lady Chapel.
  • 1731 Due to the Archbishop's Edict of Emigration, 45 Taxenbach families who do not want to give up their Protestant faith are forced to leave their homeland.
  • 1778 Establishment of the care office (today's district court)
  • 1792 Establishment of the Taxenbach deanery
  • 1794 The ‘Embacher Plaike’ creates a 6 km long lake. It takes three years for the Salzach to erode through the dam and flow along the valley floor again.
  • 1809 In the course of the French wars, there is a battle at the Half Hour Bridge, in which Anton Wallner and 400 Pinzgauers hold off a twenty-fold superior force for seven hours.
  • 1850 Reorganisation of the political administration and the municipal system. As a result, Taxenbach, like all other villages, is given a municipal council and a mayor.
  • 1851 The Taxenbach music band is founded.
  • 1855 Taxenbach becomes a station for postal journeys by horse, after the road that had previously led from Lend via Embach down to Kitzloch, up to the Edtbauern, via Höf to the Hengsthof, then across the Salzach to the left bank and on to Bruck, was routed through Taxenbach. From 1750 to 1855, postal journeys did not reach Taxenbach; the post travelled from Salzburg via Lofer to Zell am See. It was only when the Lend-Bruck road was built and the railway was constructed that it became part of the transport network.
  • 1872 The castle on the Schlossberg burns down and is never rebuilt.
  • 1875 Opening of the Salzburg-Wörgl railway line.
  • 1877 Foundation of the fire brigade
  • 1881 Mrs Elisabeth Lackner bequeaths the ‘Bothensepplhaus’ to the municipality. In accordance with Mrs Lackner's wishes, it is used as a retirement home and community hospital.
  • 1890 Foundation of the first Raiffeisenkasse in the province of Salzburg in Taxenbach.
  • 1902 The Kitzloch power station goes into operation.
  • 1907 Taxenbach receives a local water pipe.
  • 1912-1915 the railway line is double-tracked.
  • 1914-1918 52 Taxenbachers fall in the 1st World War.
  • 1920 Electric lighting is introduced in the market.
  • 1926 The first postal bus runs from Taxenbach to Rauris.
  • 1930 The Salzburg-Wörgl railway line is electrified.
  • 1938 Eschenau becomes part of Taxenbach.
  • 1939-1945 107 Taxenbach residents do not return home from the Second World War.
  • 1952 Construction of the sports field by American occupying soldiers.
  • 1958 The town bypass is opened.
  • 1966 The secondary school is opened
  • 1974 Eight children are killed in an accident in the Kitzlochklamm gorge.
  • 1977 A kindergarten is established.
  • 1982 A polytechnic school for the Unterpinzgau region is opened in Taxenbach.
  • 1985 The retirement home is inaugurated.
  • 1988 The former community hospital and old people's home is given a new purpose as a clubhouse
  • 1995 The gendarmerie post is moved from the Gabrielhaus to the courthouse
  • 1997 Opening of the new fire station in Wimm
  • 2001 Installation of parish priest Christian Siller.
  • 2002 Introduction of the euro.
  • The Taxenbach district court is dissolved.
  • The post office moves to the new distribution centre for Unterpinzgau in the former Aral petrol station building.
  • 2005 Construction of the new market fountain based on a design by former mayor Christof Aschaber.
  • 2007 Opening of the new kindergarten.
  • 2008 Opening of the new footbridge and bridge facilities in the Kitzlochklamm gorge.
  • 2010 The post office founded in 1855 and the new distribution centre are closed. A postal partner takes over the business.
  • 2013 Severe damage caused by storms. Two people lose their lives.
  • 2014 The primary school in Eschenau is closed.
  • Completion of the church renovation.
  • The new church bells are consecrated.
  • The new school centre is opened and inaugurated.