In order to enjoy your hiking holiday safely, there are rules of conduct in the mountains and on the alpine pastures that we should all follow. Personal responsibility, respect for other people, animals and nature should be a prerequisite for a successful mountain hike. You will be rewarded with marvellous views and special mountain experiences that you are sure to remember for a long time to come. 

  • Observe the weather situation
  • Pay attention to the level of difficulty of the routes
  • Appropriate equipment
  • Stay on the marked paths and climbs
  • Proper handling of grazing livestock
  • Pack rubbish
  • Dogs must be kept on a lead
  • Keep quiet in the forest
  • Show consideration

Difficulty rating of the hiking routes:

Blue: Easy hiking trails in the permanent settlement area and adjoining forest area, which lead through flat terrain and do not have any major gradients. No special requirements are necessary. The paths are also accessible without a hiking map.

Red: Mountain hiking trails that require some surefootedness. Steep steps, watercourses, narrow sections and earthy troughs due to alluvial deposits can be found on these paths. A minimum of orientation is required.

Black: Difficult mountain hikes and alpine paths that are secured with ropes, artificial steps, ladders etc. in exposed places. Here, the hands are used for locomotion and balance support. The path layout is not always clearly recognisable as such. Sometimes there are places where there is a risk of falling, scree, sloping grass, field or rugged terrain. Old snow residue is to be expected under certain circumstances.

Book a mountain & hiking guide for Taxenbach & Rauris

Die geprüften Berg- und Wanderführer in Taxenbach und Rauris beraten Sie gerne und erstellen gemeinsam mit Ihnen und entsprechend Ihrer Bergerfahrung Ihre Bergtour.

Bergwolf, Wolfgang Rohrmoser
Hundsdorfweg 12
5661 Rauris, Österreich

Tel.: + 43 664 415 39 23

E-Mail: w.rohrmoser@bergwolf.at

Web: www.bergwolf.at

Gerlinde Eidenhammer, Wanderführerin
5661 Rauris, Österreich

Tel.: +43 664 45 83 536

E-Mail: gerlinde.eidenhammer@rauris.net


Martin Unterhofer
5661 Rauris, Österreich

Tel.: +43 650 8824884

E-Mail: martin@schermtax.at

Web: www.schermtax.at

Wanderführer, Nationalpark-Ranger, Trailrunning-Guide

Wanke Armin
Sonnbergweg 14
5661 Rauris, Österreich

Tel.: +43 664 7870911

E-Mail: armin.wanke@hotmail.com

Wanderführer und Nationalpark Ranger 

Naturesa - Theresa Sommerbichler
5661 Rauris, Österreich

Tel.: +43 (0) 677 611 973 54

E-Mail: griassdi@naturesa.at

Web: www.naturesa.at

Zertifizierte Bergwanderführerin, Dipl. Pflanzenheilkunde Praktikerin, Dipl. Kräuterpädagogin (in Ausbildung), Wald- und Gesundheitstrainerin (in Ausbildung)

Correct behaviour with grazing animals

Austria's farmers make an important contribution to the preservation of our alpine landscape. We ask you as a visitor to respectfully adapt to this beautiful landscape. By following these 10 rules, you will be behaving correctly on alpine pastures and meadows.

10 recommendations from the Alpine Club for safe mountain hiking
  1. Healthy in the mountains
  2. Mountain hiking is an endurance sport. The positive stress stimuli for the heart and circulation require good health and a realistic self-assessment. Avoid time pressure and choose a pace that doesn't leave you out of breath.
  3. Careful planning
    Hiking maps, guide books, the internet and experts can provide information on length, altitude difference, difficulty and current conditions. Always tailor tours to the group. Pay particular attention to the weather forecast, as rain, wind and cold increase the risk of accidents.
  4. Complete equipment
    Adapt your equipment to the hike and make sure your rucksack is light. Rain, cold and sun protection always belong in your rucksack, as well as a first aid kit and mobile phone (Euro-Noruf 112). A map or GPS will help you find your way.
  5. Suitable footwear
    Good and comfortable hiking boots protect and relieve your feet and improve your surefootedness! When choosing your shoes, make sure they fit perfectly, have a non-slip tread sole, are waterproof and lightweight.
  6. Sure-footedness is the key
    Falls as a result of slipping or stumbling are the most common cause of accidents. Bear in mind that walking too fast or being tired can severely impair your sure-footedness and concentration. By walking carefully, you can avoid stepping on stones.
  7. Stay on marked paths

    In pathless terrain, the risk of losing your bearings, falling and falling rocks increases. Avoid shortcuts and return to the last known point if you lose your way. Steep old snowfields are often underestimated and dangerous!

  8. Take regular breaks
    Taking a break in good time helps you to relax, enjoy the scenery and socialise. Eating and drinking are important to maintain performance and concentration. Isotonic drinks are ideal thirst quenchers. Muesli bars, dried fruit and biscuits satisfy hunger on the way.

  9. Responsibility for children
    Bear in mind that variety and playful discovery are important for children. In passages where there is a risk of falling, one adult should only supervise one child. Very exposed tours that require prolonged concentration are only suitable for children to a limited extent.

  10. Small groups
    Small groups ensure flexibility and allow for mutual help. Inform familiar people about the destination, route and return. Stay together in the group.
    Respect for nature and the environment
    To protect mountain nature: do not leave any rubbish behind, avoid noise, stay on the paths, do not disturb wild animals and wildlife, leave plants untouched and respect protected areas. Use public transport or form car pools to get there.

    (c) Austrian Alpine Club