Taxenbach Tourist Office
Markstraße 33
A-5660 Taxenbach
Corporation under public law
Object of the company:
Representation of the interests of the member businesses of the tourism association with the task of promoting local/regional tourism development. Core tasks: Member administration, guest information, offer development and marketing of existing offers.
Contact details:
Phone: +43 6543 5252
Fax: +43 6543 52525
VAT number:
Bank details:
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Taxenbach
IBAN: AT 82 3506 4000 000 10835
Company register number:
Not applicable for public corporation
Commercial register court:
Not applicable for public corporation
Registered office Registered office:
A-5660 Taxenbach
Not applicable for public corporation
Professional law:
Salzburg Tourism Act 2003 (
Supervisory authority/trade authority:
Province of Salzburg
Professional title:
Tourism Association (Austria)
Technical concept & design:
Mühlenweg 1
A-5751 Maishofen
© Image sources: Rauris Tourist Office, Taxenbach Tourist Office, Rauriser Hochalmbahnen AG, Florian Bachmeier, Hohe Tauern National Park Holiday Region, David Innerhofer, Roland Holitzky (, Netcontact (, Karin Pfisterer ( Michael Gruber (
Liability for content:
Although all content has been carefully checked, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information.
Links to our site / links from our site:
We are happy to receive links to our website, provided they are managed as external links and entire pages including the navigation bar are reproduced. A transfer of the main window into a frame of the link setter is not permitted. Our own links to external pages are merely a reference to these pages by means of an external link, which opens in a new browser window when this link is clicked. We do not identify with the content of the pages to which we refer. We also accept no liability for the pages to which we refer. If a page to which we link has dubious content, please let us know. In this case, we will remove the link immediately.
Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) ODR Regulation:
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform. The online dispute resolution platform can serve as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be accessed via the external link You can also send any complaints directly to us at the email address given above in the legal notice.